Taking vitamins for men to improve potency, you can not only eliminate the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, but also increase libido, strengthen immunity and relieve psychological stress. At the first signs of sexual impotence, it is not recommended to go too fast with the use of drugs of central and mechanical action. First, you need to do an investigation and find out the cause of the breach.
Sometimes banal drowsiness and exhaustion of the nervous system leads to a decrease in potency. A properly selected complex is able to quickly restore male potency and restore the satisfaction of sexual life. To enhance the effect, a number of potency-enhancing products should be introduced into the diet at the same time.
Types of essential vitamins and daily necessities
At the first symptoms that show problems with sexual activity, it is better to use natural vitamins through mass consumption of seasonal vegetables and fruits. It is better if they are from your own garden, but in the summer season buying on the market will do.
In winter, you should not buy vegetables that are grown in unnatural conditions. There are few substances useful for male potency, but there are many nitrates that are harmful to health. In cold weather it is more suitable to take pharmacy complexes that are designed to support the work of all body systems. For men aged 18 to 59 years, employed in medium hard work, there are standards for the daily use of essential vitamins.
Numm | Recommended dosage per day |
Tocopherol - E | 15 IU |
Calciferol - D | 100 IU |
Nicotine or Niacin (PP, B3) | 20 mg |
Thiamine - B 1 | 1. 9 mg |
Folacin - B9 or folic acid | 200 mcg |
Pyridoxine - B 6 | 2, 2 mg |
Retinol - A | 1000 mcg |
Ascorbic acid or ascorbic acid - C | 78 mg |
Focusing on the table and knowing the estimated set of vitamins and foods consumed, one can identify their deficiency in the male body. Pharmaceutical products and a balanced diet help fill the gap.
Drugs should be chosen according to the causes of sexual weakness. A sex therapist or urologist will help them determine through an individual examination.
You should not just focus on positive reviews about vitamins and prescribe them yourself. To avoid pharmaceutical products, you can also drink only in the indicated doses and in limited course.
Attention! Uncontrolled intake of vitamins often causes their overabundance and causes disturbances in the systems of the male body.
Mechanism of action in content and products
Doctors, men vitamins are called substances that can positively affect the blood filling of blood vessels, muscle tone, nervous system, brain activity and psyche. Incorporating them into your daily diet helps maintain the ability to get an erection for a long time and avoid impotence. Each product and vegetable usually contains a large number of different nutrients, but there are also those that are particularly rich in one component.
Tocopherol (E)
A full sex life is impossible without the main vitamin for potency, vitamin E. Its source is tocopherols, represented by 7 species. Their main function is the stimulation of the gonads and muscle activity. With a lack of tocopherols in the body, there is a lack of male hormones, a lack of attraction to the opposite sex and, as a result, erectile dysfunction.
Without vitamin E, other fat-soluble complexes, especially those containing retinol, are not absorbed by the body. Tocopherol is rich in all kinds of vegetable oils, especially soy and corn, but in the sunflower version, this component has the most active form. The green parts of edible herbs and spices are also filled with the substance.
On a note! Vitamin E tolerates high temperatures up to 170 degrees and is not destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.
Thiamine - B 1
This substance is included in all major complexes, designed to relieve psychological stress and eliminate nervousness. B1 affects the strength of orgasm, muscle tone in men, improves sleep quality and increases stress resistance. In the body, its content is reduced in the treatment of antibiotics, diabetes and alcoholism. You can replenish your stock by eating regularly:
- Nuts;
- Peas;
- Bread 2 Degrees;
- Somen;
- Bounen;
- Cereals and cereals.

If necessary, quickly enrich the body of a man with thiamine, doctors prescribe dry brewing yeast. They contain up to 5 mg of this substance for every 100 grams of product.
To better preserve vitamins for potency from group B 1 in the finished dishes, simple rules should be followed. It is better to salt legumes and grains already during serving. It is advisable not to fry the bread, but to use fresh or dry crackers from it at room temperature.
Important! Vitamin B 1 is almost completely destroyed during deep freezing and heat treatment with a temperature regime of more than 130 degrees. Losses in this case are up to 70%.
When stored maximum in food, thiamine acts as an antioxidant. It reduces the harmful effect on the potency of tobacco and alcoholic beverages.
Folate or folic acid - B9
Folic acid does not directly affect the level of sexuality and sexual satisfaction. But it improves the processes of metabolism and hematopoiesis, contributing to the healing of the body and the improvement of erection. At 9 it is necessary to take men and if you are planning children for high-quality spermatogenesis.

Folic acid is one component:
- Walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds;
- all greens (spinach, parsley, dill, green salads);
- Waste;
- Cereals Cereals;
- Onions, pumpkin, carrots and beets;
- all kinds of meat;
- dried fruits;
- Mushrooms and Beans.
In excess, vitamin B9 is also present in eggs and milk. If the pharmacy folic acid is already prescribed for the treatment of potency, then the content of these products in the diet should be reduced. When calculating daily use, the loss of folic acid during heat treatment should be taken into account up to 70-90%. Excessive folate can cause nervous disorders, digestive disorders and cause kidney failure.
C - ascorbic
Among the main vitamins for men, ascorbic acid should be highlighted. It is involved in the processes of synthesizing hormones of pleasure and contributes to the activation of immune cells. Vitamin C has a tonic effect on blood vessels, increases their strength and increases the elasticity of the walls.
Ascorbic acid is involved in metabolic reactions and contributes to the rapid filling of substances with blood. This allows you to increase the potency through a good blood filling of the cavernous body of the male penis. A bonus is the ability of the acid to suppress the activity of the adrenaline and relieve the symptoms of stress. The leader in the content of this substance is rose hips 470 mg per 100 grams of edible part. The second place is occupied by sweet pepper (red) 250 mg. The third position can be divided between black currant and sea buckthorn, 200 mg per 100 g. If a man contains these products in his diet every day, then he does not need pharmacy vitamins to increase potency. Other sources of ascorbic acid include:
- Brussels sprouts;
- Parsley;
- Strawberry
- Spinach;
- roude Kabes;
- Oranges;
- Beef liver.
It should be noted that vitamin C is found in meat, fish, milk and cereal products in minimal quantities. It is completely absent in eggs, cereals, flour and most fats, while it is always present in vegetables and fruits, albeit in small quantities. Ascorbic acid is actively destroyed when it interacts with metals. To preserve it, it is better to use enamelware when cooking.
Calciferol - D
Vitamin D is essential for potency. It stimulates the formation of testosterone in the glands and contributes not only to the normalization of libido but also to its increase. All products containing it are of animal origin. The leader in calciferol content is cod liver oil and tuna liver fat.

Vitamin D activates the brain centers needed for high quality excitation. Men who love fatty fish, 82% butter, and homemade eggs may suffer from heart disease but have a healthy sex life until old age.
Important! The synthesis of calciferol in the body increases when the skin is exposed to sunlight.
Nicotine - B3 or PP
Nicotinic acid is involved in protein metabolism and improves the processes of cellular respiration. Under the action of B3 in the body improves the blood flow and the oxygen supply to the tissues. At the same time, the brain, adrenal glands and other endocrine glands are activated.

Nicotine is able to increase potency, ensure a full flow of blood to the tissues of the penis and qualitatively dilate the blood vessels. In nature, you can feed a man with this vitamin by systematically preparing dishes from:
- Villercher;
- Beef;
- Veal;
- Animal kidney;
- Know Germ;
- Reis Bran;
- heef.
Nicotinic acid is one of the most stable vitamins. It is practically not destroyed during cooking, freezing and storage and is not affected by oxygen, acids and alkalis.
Retinol (A)
To maintain male potency, you need to supplement your body with Vitamin A every day in an amount equal to 1000 IU. This is the daily norm for a healthy person. To increase the potency in a man, you need to increase the dose to 1500 IU.

Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin that is present in animal products in finished form, and in vegetable products it is present in the form of carotene pigment. Its main sources which indicate the content in mg per 100 grams of product:
- red carrot 9;
- Beef Liver 8, 2;
- Spinach 4, 50;
- Pork Liver 3, 45;
- wild rose 2, 60.
In plants, this substance is present in the form of provitamin A and is converted to retinol only after it enters the human or animal body.
B6 (Pyridoxine)
This vitamin is prescribed to improve erection in case of sexual dysfunction which is associated with pathologies of the nervous system. Pyridoxine improves metabolic processes and helps absorb fats and proteins. With its deficiency, a man becomes irritable and does not sleep well. This leads to problems in bed and deterioration of the negative condition. Pyridoxine is found in small quantities in almost all foods except oil. In medicine, to improve potency, it is often prescribed by injection. You can increase the content of pyridoxine in the body by using all kinds of waste, beans, tomato paste, mackerel and millet.
The benefits of minerals and their sources
It is advisable to take vitamins to enhance potency simultaneously with minerals. Pharmacy complexes usually contain a balanced amount of the two. You can enrich the body with these substances and by compiling the right nutrition. Among the minerals particularly useful for active men are:
- Potassium;
- Magnesium;
- Selenium;
- Zinc.
They improve erectile function, stimulate the release of testosterone and increase the attraction for a sexual partner. Their action is precisely enhanced by combination with vitamins. It is useless to take these substances separately.
Pharmacy Complex
The pharmaceutical industry produces a range of vitamin preparations that help increase potency levels.

Vitamin preparations should be chosen depending on what vitamins the body needs. For the prevention and maintenance of the health of men, it is better to drink combined medicines.
With a lack of a substance you have to buy monopreparations with simple names (ascorbic acid, retinol, fish oil).
When taking vitamins, it is necessary to eliminate risk factors that provoke the development of erectile dysfunction. Quitting smoking and quitting alcohol, exercise and healthy eating will help keep male strength for many years to come.